Women's Conversations

What is cluttering your home & spiritual life?

We will gather together to enjoy a light breakfast and fellowship. We will spend time learning how to clean clutter out of our homes as well as the most important, our spiritual lives. We will leave with new cleaning tips, door prizes, new friendships and the joy of the Lord. 

Hand Up for Women 
Ladies, clean out your closet!!!! Please consider donating a gently used purse, nice shoes, professional outfit (any or all). Bring them with you and we will be donating them to Hand Up for Women on April 17th.

 Executive Director Eva Pierce will be with us to  share about this special ministry and how they help restore women to the life God has planned for them. You  can check them out before hand if you  like at

Mug & Muffin
Don't forget to bring your mug (any gently used or new mug will do). We will be trading these with other women as well filled with our contact information. This will remind you to pray for each other, everytime you use the mug.   

Date: Saturday, April 17th, 2010
Time: 9:00
Place: 10919 Carmichael Campus (10919 Carmichael Rd, Knoxville TN 37932)